Civil Engineering Department of Universitas Jember is holding an International Guest Lecture on Road Safety with a topic about ‘An Update On The Road Safety Status’ on Wednesday, November 25th, 2020. This lecture is running online with Zoom Application and attended by more than 500 participants. The participants are consist of the Head of Civil Engineering, students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), students from non-UNEJ, academics, and students of Universitas Jember.
This lecture was led by Ir. Willy Kriswardhana, S.T., M.T with Paksitya Purnama Putra, S.T., M.T as master of ceremony. Dr. Ir delivers the opening speech. Iwan Taruna, M.Eng. The speaker in this International Guest Lecture is Dr. Siti Zaharah Ishak from Universiti Teknologi MARA. Dr. Siti Zaharah Ishak is currently the Director-General of the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Ministry of Transport (MOT), Malaysia. She graduated with BEng (Hons) Civil from UiTM Shah Alam, followed by an MSc. in Highway and Transportation Engineering from the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and a Ph.D. in Transport Systems Engineering from the University of South Australia. Dr. Siti Zaharah is also a member of the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Highway and Transportation Engineering Technical Division, Institute Engineering Malaysia (IEM), and EASTS Australian Chapter. Her professional activities, including consulting with industry, teaching, academic research, and student supervision.

In this lecture, Dr. Siti Zaharah Ishak has explained road safety facts. She explained that there are 1.3 million people who died every year due to road traffic crashes and more than 20-50 million injuries because of a lack of information about road safety. Road traffic crashes usually caused by people aged 15-29 years. The other facts about is global road traffic injuries and death mainly caused by motorcyclist, which is from Low-and middle-income (LMIC). The safe systems approach aims to develop a road transport system that can better accommodate human error and consider the human body’s vulnerability. The system is to ensure that accidents decrease the amount of result of serious human injury. The global plan for safety road decade of action 2011-2020 is road safety management, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users, and post-crash responses.
Dr. Siti Zaharah Ishak also explained that a safer road user focused on developing comprehensive programs to improve road user behavior. These efforts are combined with public awareness and education to increase seatbelt and helmet wearing and reduce drinking and driving, speeding, and other risks. Postcrash response promotes health and other systems to provide appropriate emergency treatment and longer-term rehabilitation for crash victims. There is a correlation between road safety and sustainable development goal. Goal no 11 is about Sustainable Cities and Communities. The target is to provide access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities, and older person.